Welcome and thank you for visiting Sound & Hearing Assessment Services (d/b/a Sound Management).
We are a comprehensive and dynamic service provider and consultant for Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and Mining Safety & Health Administration (MSHA) compliance Hearing Conservation Programs (HCP).
Sound Management has been a trusted safety advocate and HCP provider for general and mining industries throughout the Las Vegas Valley community and surrounding areas since 1991. Sound Management services fulfill all HCP regulation standards requirements in accordance with federal and state OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95 and associated directives, as well as MSHA 30 CFR Part 62. “Inspection-ready” compliance documentation is provided to the client following completion of each annual service. Partnership, rapport-building, and HCP review continues throughout the year to ensure continuity of compliance.
Since 1991, Sound Management has fostered and maintained partnership service, and great rapport with over 100 of Las Vegas’s Hotel/Casino, nightlife, manufacturing, construction and mining industries.
Initial and recurring employee noise exposure assessment
Baseline and annual audiometric (hearing) testing
Initial and annual, OSHA- and MSHA- mandated employee HCP training
Data management & evaluation Client HCP (compliance documentation)
Client HCP trending reports and program safety improvement recommendations
3M DL Personal Noise Dosimeter
Prior to implementing an HCP, the presence of a hazardous noise work environment must be first suspected, and then de- fined as such through pre-survey evaluation. This is preliminarily determined by obtaining random noise samples of the suspected area or environment with sound level meter(s). If the decibel (dB) reading(s) meet or exceed 85 dB, more definite monitoring, utilizing personal dosimeters, is then required; through this method, an eight (8) hour time-weighted average (TWA) is attained. If TWA results are at or above 85 dB, all employees exposed to that environment must be enrolled into the HCP. By way of survey, employee interview, and employee noise exposure assessment of hazardous noise work environments, our highly-trained, certified staff partners with the employer to implement a customized HCP.
3M Edge Personal Noise Dosimeter
One of the most prominent occupational “injuries” in our society is sensorineural (noise-induced) hearing loss. This form of hearing loss is directly attributed to routine employee exposure to levels in excess of 85 decibels of continuous, intermittent or impulsive sound (also known as hazardous noise), without intervention of appropriate hearing protection. Noise-induced loss affects one in every ten Americans, notably hindering their ability to clearly
CCA 200 Audiometer System
understand human speech, thus impacting quality of life. Because the loss is often subtle in its progression, in many cases, significant and irreversible damage has already occurred before it is recognized by the employee.
The encouraging news is that through effective use of hearing protection, the loss is both avoidable and preventable. Our state-of-the-art HCP testing equipment and services, to include detailed reporting management software, are delivered two ways:
Service is administered with state-of-the-art portable audiometric testing and data management operating system. The system allows for valid testing without the use of sound booths (Quiet Room Testing), set up at a client location, or in-office testing at our West Sahara Avenue testing & training facility. Prior to all testing, a routine otoscopic examination (viewing of the ear canal and eardrum) will be performed. This is to ensure that any clinical or medical condition that could alter test results is not present.
Otoscopic Exam Image
The annual test results are compared to the employees’ baseline test results, and assessed in accordance with the respective regulation standards. Results revealing a standard threshold shift (STS) or possible OSHA recordable shift are reported to program manager and the employee, and a hearing retest is coordinated to determine evidence of a temporary or permanent hearing loss.
HCP Training Video Image
At the core of every effective HCP is comprehensive, detailed training and education of both client employees and its management staff in the awareness and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss. Our Sound Management team provides this diverse training and education through one-on-one teaching and hearing protection demonstration with each visit, multi-lingual training DVD’s, and multi- lingual literature, delivering the following:
Hearing PPE Image
Hearing Evaluation Image
All STS, possible OSHA recordable, or “problematic” (questionable) tests are referred to our supervising audiologist and/or consulting ear, nose & throat (ENT) for review and recommendation.
Ear Sound Image
Appointments with Sound Management are available Monday – Friday . Our office hours are 9:30 am – 4:30 pm. Please book all appointments 48 hours in advance. If you need to cancel an appointment, please allow 24 hours notice. This will help us to better serve all of our clientele.
Fred serves as Managing Partner & Director of Operations, while Maria serves as Managing Partner & Office Services Director. Both are retired military veterans (Air Force and Navy, respectively), each with over 30 years as certified Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC) managers and technicians.
Doris serves as CAOHC technician. She is also a retired Navy veteran; she joined the Sound Management team in 2012.
For Office Appointments: (702) 220-8067
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: (702) 822-2045
6655 West Sahara Avenue, Suite C 112
Las Vegas, Nevada 89146